Planning Applications
Evenley Parish Council receives details of applications from West Northamptonshire Council (WNC). The clerk then submits the views of Evenley Parish Council's nominated planning representatives who take into account the views of local residents.
To view/make comments on applications
For guidance on WNC planning regulations and to view/make individual comments on an application please visit:
For a list of outstanding planning applications in Evenley, please see the assocatied agenda.
Most planning applications are made to West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) who then have responsibility to ask all interested parties including neighbouring properties, the county council and the parish council for their views on the development.
The parish council is, therefore, a consultee.
The issues the parish council CAN consider include:
- loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity
- overshadowing/overbearing impact
- highway safety, traffic and parking issues
- noise
- visual amenity/street scene
- wildlife
- historic buildings and conservation
- flooding
- design and materials
- appearance of the development
- capacity of infrastructure – schools/public transport etc
Issues the parish council is NOT able to consider include:
- loss of view
- effect on property values
- private rights
- boundary disputes
- construction noise
Planning applications are considered at the next available parish council meeting and included on the agenda.
To view/make comments on applications, please visit
29th October 2019
It has come to the attention of Evenley Parish Council that some 575 acres of land within the boundary of Evenley - off the Charlton Road and along the A43 - is up for sale.
It is being marketed as ‘a strategic development opportunity for a potential new settlement’ . The company marketing it on behalf of two local landowners are looking for a partner to seek planning permission in the future.
We have been advised by our district councillor that it speculative. She says that ‘at the moment there is no policy that would deem this site as acceptable but they are clearly hoping that this will change in the review’. That review is the West Northants Strategic Plan which is currently being worked on.
Evenley Parish Council is however taking a proactive approach and is trying to find out more and has requested a meeting with South Northants planning department. We will keep parishioners up to date with news, progress, developments etc to avoid any misinformation around the parish.
UPDATE 08.11.2019
Letter sent to Colin Staves, Principal Spatial Planner at West Northamptonshire Council
Response from Colin Staves to above letter:
'As you are aware the recent Issues consultation on the emerging West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan did include a ‘call for sites’ exercise. The deadline for responses was the 11th October. Whilst we are not yet in a position to publish these responses I can confirm that we did not receive any representation in respect of the land to the west of the A43 near Evenley. We will of course keep the Parish Council informed as we progress to the next stage of Spatial Options'.