Evenley Village
Evenley Village

parish council

Evenley Village
who's who

Here you will find contact details of the current parish councillors and our clerk and their responsbilities.         

If you need to discuss any topic that you think is important in our parish then please contact one of the councillors directly or our clerk.


Evenley Village

Click to open next Parish Council meeting agenda.

Meeting of the parish council agenda will be available to view the week before the meeting;


The meeting will be held at Evenley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

If you would like to view documents/information relating to the agenda, please contact the clerk at clerk@evenleyparishcouncil.gov.uk



Evenley Village

NB. draft minutes pending approval. Only once signed do they become a legal record

Latest minutes


Click below to read previous parish council meeting minutes


Evenley Village
Meeting Dates

Evenley Parish Council meeting dates 

Evenley Village

Current Evenley Parish Council Policies and Strategy Documents.


Evenley Village

Below are the financial documents relating to Evenley Parish Council.

The transparancy code is designed to meet the governments desire to place more power into citizen's hands to increase democratic accountability.

It applies to parish councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000. The code became mandatory from 1st April 2015 and requires the online publication of key spending and governance information.  The government considers that publication of the items in the code will provide the local electorate and rate payers a clear picture of the activities of these smaller authorities.


Evenley Village
Planning Applications

Evenley Parish Council receives details of applications from West Northamptonshire Council (WNC). The clerk then submits the views of Evenley Parish Council's nominated planning representatives who take into account the views of local residents. 


To view/make comments on applications

For guidance on WNC planning regulations and to view/make individual comments on an application please visit: http://snc.planning-register.co.uk/

For a list of outstanding planning applications in Evenley, please see the assocatied agenda.

Evenley Village

The warden roles are important voluntary roles specifically focused around a task or activity supporting our community. Below is a list of the current warden roles and post holders within the Parish of Evenely.

Please help to support our warden scheme by contacting the appropriate person directly with any concerns or contributions.
Evenley Village
Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is held once a year and is a public meeting; usually chaired by the Parish Council chair at which local council officers, Police, Highways, local clubs and organisation representives  are invited to present reports on their activities, achievements and plans for the coming year.

It is open to all parishioners.

Reports presented at a meeting are included below; please note that they are included for information and do not necessarily express the views or interests of the Parish Council.


Evenley Village
The General Power of Competence

Adopted and approved at the annual meeting of Evenley Parish Council on Monday 17th May 2021