Evenley Handbell Ringers
The Evenley Handbell Ringers were formed in 2022 when Brian Sinclair discovered an unused set of handbells in the bell tower of St Peter's church, Brackley. The tower captain informed him that there was a keen group of ringers in the 1980’s but had ceased ringing since then.
The Church kindly allowed Brian to take them away on loan, to see if he could form a ringing group. Since then, a small group of dedicated villagers under conductor Deborah Davis, have been learning the craft of handbell ringing and developing a small portfolio of tunes.
They couldn’t have progressed without the invaluable help of the Launton Handbell ringers who have supplied music and technical assistance.
We recently hosted a concert with them and raised a significant sum for our charity, the Alzheimer’s Society https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/
Historically, bell ringing in various forms has been going on for hundreds of years and we are hoping in our small way to carry these traditions forward to the next generation.
The Ringers meet every Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. in the village hall. We practise for about an hour and then stop for tea; you can’t get more traditional than that.
If you are interested, do come along and speak to us. We are very friendly and welcome new members. Alternatively, you can email Brian on brsedit@aol.com.
You can hear the fruits of our labours on the Green on Coronation weekend May 7th