Village Green
Our village is blessed with a much prized and wonderful green. The war memorial, Forge Coffee & Post Office, the village hall and The Red Lion are on or around it. It is the heart of the community and centrepiece of Evenley life. It also has the distinction of being the finest village green in Northamptonshire lying within the conservation area. It was laid out in its present form by the Pierrepoints in about 1850.
Mrs Margaret Dora Blakiston sold it to the parish council on 12 June 1961, for the princely sum of £100. The size of the green amounts to 2.925 acres and includes the areas across the road to the north side, fronting several properties, whilst encompassing the triangle of land between the track to the sewage works and parts of the frontage of other properties on the eastern side of the green. It was registered as a Village Green in 1968. Originally a road crossed the green diagonally from the corner of Church Lane, but in 1962 an application was made by the county council to 'stop up' the road. A public meeting ensued, however there was only one Evenley resident against the proposal and the reason for opposing it was that it was the shortest way to cross the green, therefore affording him the time to consume an extra half pint at the local! Thankfully the decision was passed; otherwise it would reduce the length of the boundary for Evenley cricketers! The Green originally had the stocks at the north east corner. These were taken down and burned circa 1853. The road was turfed over in 1962. The byelaws protecting the village green were signed on 25 May 1968 so woe betide anybody who beats, shakes, sweeps, brushes or cleans any carpet, drugget, rug or mat, or any fabric retaining dust or dirt, on the green!
Evenley Cricket Club's annual requirements for exclusive use of the Village Green during 2024
To read the village green byelaws click here: Village Green Byelaws
PLEASE NOTE: BBQ's are not permitted on the Green
The Evenley War Memorial c1920 (with later additions after Second World War) has been Awarded Listed Building Status and English Heritage has added our war memorial to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
For more information about this and other listed buildings in the village, visit: Historic England website.
To read more about those Evenley residents killed in action during the conflict and are commemorated on the Evenley War Memorial and or Church Roll of Honour, click here